Shireen Flowers
Soft Bloom Bouquet
Soft Bloom Bouquet
Delicate and enchanting, the Blush Harmony Bouquet is a hand-tied arrangement of soft pink roses intertwined with elegant white gypsophila. Wrapped in a charming pink cover, this bouquet exudes grace and sophistication.
Available in three sizes:
- Small: 10 premium pink roses
- Medium: 30 premium pink roses
- Large: 50 premium pink roses (same as photo)
A perfect choice for expressing love, appreciation, or celebrating life’s beautiful moments.
Delivery information
Delivery information
You can select the delivery date and time on checkout.
We always call the recipient before dispatching the order to make sure that they are at the location provided.
Orders are delivered based on the date and time-slot of your choosing. To ensure that your order arrives at its freshest we require the recipient to be available to accept the order. We may contact the recipient to confirm their availability and address. We do not deliver to PO boxes. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the supplied delivery address is correct, Shireen Flowers reserves the right to reject delivery to an alternate address.
Our delivery rates are:
You can view delivery prices in the delivery Policy.
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